tisdag 8 mars 2011

Blog assignment 1

Blog assignment 1

Personal aspects of my life that I would like to change:

First of all I would like to develop a deeper understanding for who I really am and my different qualities. By continuing my studies and starting my career combined with working on my other interests it would be possible to make some progress in that area during a period of five years. Ultimately the process would continuing on through my entire life so that if I ever turn eighty-seven I would be able to look back at my life and say that I have taken every opportunity to honour my natural potentials. The worst scenario would be to wake up and realise that I have desperately tried to achieve something that have cost me more then it was worth to succeed. No one knows if we are guaranteed a second chance.

Connected to the wish of developing a deeper understanding of my personality I would also like to get rid of a disease that I have called OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Hopefully the therapy will work this time and I will be able to have a normal life concerning daily activities and other things that I have had a hard time to do the last seventeen years. I picture this to be possible to achieve. If continuing to practice what I have learn from therapy combined with aiming for my goals in life I would probably have come a long way in five years. Even if I know it will be sneaking up upon me when I last expect it for the rest of my life, I still think I will have the determination to gradually fight for my freedom and bring myself some peace of mind.