onsdag 28 juli 2010

E-writing assignment 3

Books and friendships

To get to know a person is like reading a book.

The first step is to buy the look.

If the cover isn’t flattering at all,

the whole concept of the book may fall,

and resting it will on its shelf,

where it will deteriorate in health,

and finally fall into pieces.

The second step is to read the summary to get an over all picture.

That helps you see the elements of which the book is a mixture.

If it catches your attention,

it may not be placed in suspension,

but be brought home to an armchair.

The third step is to open the book, to read a few pages.

Hopefully you will find that the book is close to contagious.

And on you will read,

while growing from a seed,

the friendship of a lifetime.

The limerick

There once was a devil from Hell

Who owned an old dark deep well

A soul he then caught

And downward he brought

It into his special made cell

The nonnet

Gracefully the sun awakes at day

Bringing happiness, no dismay

Showing people a new way

Giving them words to say

Telling them they may

Another day

Find a way

Just say


4 kommentarer:

  1. Tyckte mycket om "Books and friendship" för den stämmer så bra med verkligheten. Ett riktigt djup i den.

  2. Hi!
    Your poem of choice: Superb! Perfectly described and beautifully composed!
    The limerick was good, I struggled with the thought of using the devil in my own, but you nailed it, using an old fashion devil. Nicely done!
    The nonnet: Nice! Like an homage to the sun. Again, beautifully composed!

  3. Great poems! I really enjoyed your limerick, and I have to ask; have you written your poem of choice by yourself? It's really good! :D

  4. I am terrible at writing poetry which makes me even worse to actually comment it.
    Anyway, I like them. I like the simile between books and friends (although I prefer books) and I'm impressed by the nonnet. I tried do my own nonnet and it all just turned to sheir (pardon my french). Good work :D
