Dialogue 1: A childlike creature dressed in muddy rags is rudely awakened from her sleep by what appears to be an inquisitive leprechaun prodding her with an oak twig.
The child: Who are you?
Leprechaun: (Jumping up and down and still prodding the child with the twig) Who am I? Who are you? Who is who?
The child: Stop doing that! It hurts!
Leprechaun: (Looking at the child with slightly tilted head and excited eyes) You’re very tiny, do you know that?
The child: (Sulking) Yes I know that! What’s wrong with that!
Leprechaun: And you are very muddy to. And you stink. Where are you from?
The child: I don’t stink! I’m just muddy because I have no where to go.
Leprechaun: Don’t you have a mother to take care of you?
The child: No…
Leprechaun: What has happened to her?
The child: (sobbing) I lost her.
Leprechaun: So you lost her. From which pocket? (Laughing at his own joke)
The child: (looking angry but confused) It’s not funny! I will never find her again.
Leprechaun: Of course you will find her again. Where did you lose her?
The child: Over by the lake.
Leprechaun: What lake?
The child: The one in the forest.
Leprechaun: There are many lakes in the forest.
The child: (Starting to sob again) I will never find her.
Leprechaun: Come on, no tears, I will help you find her.
The child: But how?
Leprechaun: (holding up a green plant toward the child) With my magical four - leaf-clover.
The child: Is it really magical?
Leprechaun: It is. And if you use it, anything you wish for will come true.
The child: Really?
Leprechaun: (handing over the four-leaf-clover to the child) Really really.
The child: (closing her eyes) I’m wishing now.
Leprechaun: (Starring at a big bag of candy on the ground) What on earth! I thought you wanted to know where your mother is.
The child: But I wanted some candy.
Leprechaun: Ohh….What are we going to do now?
The child: Can’t I wish ones more?
Leprechaun: It only works once.
The child: (Starting to cry)
Leprechaun: Alright…Alright…don’t cry. I will help you find your mother anyway.
The child: (throwing herself into the leprechaun’s arms and giving him a kiss on his cheek) Thank you!
Dialogue 2: It’s five a clock in the morning and a slightly drunk 16 years old girl stumbles in after a night out with her friends. In the hall way her mother, who by no means has given her permission to be out this late, is waiting.
- There you are!
- (Stumbling a little while trying to take of her shoes) Yeah…here I am.
- What the hell do you think you are doing?
- (Still struggling with her shoes) What?
- I have been waiting up all night for you!
- What for?
- For you! Are you stupid!
- No
- And I have called the mothers of all of your friends!
- Why?
- To know where you were!
- So….
- So….what do you mean so. Have you no respect for my feelings!
- I just don’t see…
- Right! You just don’t see, do you! That’s typical you! I have been waiting for you all night and I’m going to work in three hours!
- So…I don’t see why that is my problem.
- You don’t see….You don’t see…..!
- Don’t get all worked up about nothing now mother.
- I do not get all worked up about nothing! You are just 16 and you’re drunk!
- So…
- What do you mean so!
- What does it matter?
- You’re drunk!
- Maybe.
- What do you mean maybe!
- I just mean that maybe I’m drunk.
- You’re drunk!
- Ok, I’m drunk.
- Thank you.
- Can I go to bed now?
- No, we are not done yet.
- But mother please…I’ve got a headache.
- That’s what happens when you’re drunk. Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.
- I don’t!
- Good.
- Fine
- Have you been having sex?
- What?
- Sex, you know, SEX
- No!
- Of course you have, you just don’t want to tell me.
- No, I haven’t! I’m not a slut. I leave that part to you.
- And what is that suppose to mean.
- Grandma has told me what you were like when you were young.
- Really?
- She said she had a hard time stopping you from sleeping with everyone you laid you eyes on.
- (launching at her daughter)Oh, she said that, did she?
- (Jumping aside) Yes she did!
- (boyfriend of mother entering from the living room) Stop arguing you two. You have both gotten too much to drink this evening.
- (Looking suspiciously at her mother) You’re drunk!
- No, I’m not!
- Yes you are! You haven’t been waiting for me, you have been boozing!
- Now you two…
- (running up the stairs) I hate you!
- Hanna!
Dialogue 3
- Grandma?
- Yes dear?
- Are you going to be alright?
- Of course I will dear.
- What will happen to you?
- What do you mean?
- Mamma says you are going to die.
- Does she?
- Yes.
- Hum…Maybe I will.
- What does that mean?
- That means that I will fall asleep forever, dreaming nice dreams.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
- Will you snore when you’re dead?
- (A short laughter) Maybe.
- What will you be dreaming?
- All kinds of nice things.
- Like ponies?
- Yes, like ponies.
- And elephants and dragons and tigers?
- Yes, things like that.
- Can I talk to you?
- No, you can’t talk to someone who is sleeping.
- Why not?
- (A light sigh) Well, you can’t.
- Why not?
- Because I can’t talk when I’m asleep.
- But I will still get my birthday present?
- (A short laughter) Of course you will.
- I love you grandma.
- I love you to dear.